Reactive Group Solid State Disks Ltd SCSIFLASH Arraid, LLC SCSI SDD

SanDisk is announcing the release of the SanDisk X110, U110 and i110 SSDs which are designed for OEMs and extend SanDisk's line-up by offering drives that match a range of applications. The new X110 SSD is designed for high-performance OEM computing who require high IOPS. The U110 and i110 SSDs are matched for OEMs to implement in notebooks and other mobile solutions. All of the SSDs are built on 19nm NAND for reliability, responsiveness and energy-efficiency. Capacities of 120GB, 240GB and 480GB and offers 80 terabytes written (TBW) over the drive warranty.

Reactive Group are pleased to announce that for the 18th year in a row we have successfully passed our NQA ISO 9001: 2008 audit! Customers & suppliers can have confidence in SSD as a quality driven organisation


ISO 9001:2008 is underpinned by eight management principles:

  • a customer focused organisation
  • leadership
  • the involvement of people
  • ensuring a process approach
  • a systematic approach to management
  • a factual approach to decision making
  • mutually beneficial supplier relations
  • continuous improvement